(Vol. II, No. 19) 20 March 2017
The Uno Newsletter: Rejuvenating Marxian Economics through Uno Theory (Vol. II, No. 19) 20 March 2017. In the fourth English volume of the Uno Newsletter, we feature three articles. Nobuharu Yokokawa (Musashi University, Japan), “The rise and fall of Japanese economy in super long waves of capitalist world systems”, follows long and super long waves of the capitalist economy, and examines the rise and fall of the Japanese economy to find the requirements for more stable and egalitarian economic development. Richard Westra (Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, JAPAN), “A Theoretical Note on the Commodification of Labour Power in China Under the Conditions of Globalization”, explores the social relations of production in China and the world economy through the prism of Marx’s theorising of the commodification of labour power in the general theory of capitalism. Kei Ehara (The University of Tokyo, Japan), “From Classical Market View to Marxian Market View: Reinterpreting the Theory of Market Value”, tries to capture the image of the capitalist market from the viewpoint unique to Marx.
The Uno Newsletter (in Japanese) started after the 30th Memorial Conference (2007) in honour of Kozo Uno (1897-1977) who developed an approach to understanding capitalism (and appropriating Marx’s ideas) that contains three levels of analysis: the general theory of capitalism; the stages of capitalist development; and detailed historical analysis of capitalism as it manifests itself in particular countries and time-periods. In the open spirit of Japanese political economy, contributions to the Uno Newsletter draw on diverse intellectual traditions. The focus of The Uno Newsletter includes the basic theory of capitalism; the integration of heterodox economics such as Marxian, Post Keynesian, Institutional, Evolutionary, and Neo-Schumpeterian economics; the theory of capitalist development; and the empirical analysis of capitalism.
The Uno Newspaper (English version) editors encourage scholars around the world to submit their working papers and rough drafts for ongoing research in the aforementioned traditions to the Newsletter for dissemination in the spirit of scholarly camaraderie and congenial critique.
We welcome comments on the newspaper editorsEN [at] unotheory.org (editorsEN[at]unotheory[dot]org) and on each working paper.
Nobuharu Yokokawa (Musashi University)
Richard Westra (Nagoya University)
Nobuharu Yokokawa (Musashi University, Japan), “The rise and fall of Japanese economy in super long waves of capitalist world systems”
Richard Westra (Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, JAPAN), “A Theoretical Note on the Commodification of Labour Power Under the Conditions of Globalization”
Kei Ehara (The University of Tokyo, Japan), “From Classical Market View to Marxian Market View: Reinterpreting the Theory of Market Value”
Packed files:
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Editorial Board (English): | Nobuharu Yokokawa, Richard Westra, Costas Lapavitsas, Robert Albritton, Makoto Nishibe | ||
Editorial Board (Japanese): | Nobuharu Yokokawa, Takahisa Uemura, Shigeru Nitta, Masashi Shimizu, Nobuyuki Yoshimura, Hideaki Tanaka, Atsushi Shimizu | ||
Advisory Board: | Tsuyoshi Sakurai, Shigekatsu Yamaguchi, Kazuo Shibagaki, Makoto Itoh |
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The Uno Newsletter: Rejuvenating Marxian Economics through Uno Theory